Players must have English fluency enough to easily understand and be understood. Players and their characters must be 18 years or older. RP that violates the T witch Terms of Service (ToS) and Twitch Community Guidelines is prohibited. Presence in a streamer’s chat while on the server will be assumed as evidence of stream sniping if there is a complaint submitted. Roleplay that does not give other players the opportunity to roleplay their character’s own actions is considered power gaming (e.g., using the /me command to force an outcome: /me knocks them out with the butt of a gun instead of /me hits your temple with the butt of a gun ). You are not your character do not act on or disclose information your character didn’t gain on-server.
The target of conflict attack must be able to recognize they’re being threatened with harm, why and by whom before they’re injured. All conflict must be initiated verbally or with an abundance of story lead-up within close proximity of the conflict. Role Play Before Bloodshed: No Random Death Matching (RDM) or Kill on Sight (KOS).
Counter play is necessary to successful roleplay.